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Winter Resilience


Happy New Year everyone! As we ring in 2021, winter blues and COVID surges have merged to increase the stress on our physical and mental health. While hope is on the horizon with the first phase of COVID vaccines, it is still important to build our internal strength to be able to respond to these tough times.

The American Psychological Association defines resilience as

Experiencing tough times and learning how to cope and recover in a healthy way are key parts of resilience. Check out the image below for a few strategies that can help you find actions, behaviors, and thoughts to strengthen your resilience “muscle.” The more you focus on building up its components – healthy thinking, wellness, connection, and meaning – the better you can flex your muscle when you experience difficulty or stress.

Psychology Today also recommends 3 practices to help you stay resilient through the rest of winter and COVID stress.

If you need additional resources of information, we also have some great blog posts on mindfulness and gratitude. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page throughout the month for other winter activities.

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